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Upcoming Events


Youth Regatta Participation GRANT
For Skippers under the age of 30 to help with regatta participation 

The NCESA wants to help and encourage your participation and will help offset your expenses to attend a designated regatta.
If grant monies will make the difference between going and not going to one the following regattas, please APPLY!

Regatta: Application Due Date: 
ILYA Invitational June 18
Western Michigan Invitational  June 27 
Eastern Championship July 9
Western Michigan Championship July 15
ILYA Championship  July 26
National E Scow Championship                          Aug 20 

The grant is intended for young skippers under the age of 30, with at least one other crew under 30, that could seriously use some financial help to participate in a regatta.
We have outlined the goals and requirements, please review the grant details and start your process early so you can meet the deadline!

NCESA Youth Participation Grant Application

Email your application to: 

The NCESA hopes to see more young skippers on the starting line!
Please donate below if you would like to help these young sailors - your support if greatly appreciated.


The NCESA is a 501(c)3 non-profit charitable organization. (EIN 93-0813384)
Donations are tax-deducible as allowed by the law. Please consult your tax professional.



National Class E Scow Association
The National Class E Scow Association (NCESA) was founded in 1959 to promote the sport of E Scow Racing. It exists to serve all regions of the country where E Scow Sailing is pursued.
There are three types of membership in the NCESA: Boat Owner - Regular - Associate
The NCESA is supported through membership dues, we are 501c3 non-profit organization, and donations are tax deductible.
Class E Scantling Rules are determined by Boat Owner members, and require a vote.
We welcome your support and interest - Please visit our site for the latest news.


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